Copyright  Centenary Methodist Church 2023

Regular Weekday Meetings

Monday        2 pm - 3pm    Bible  Study   Monthly Normally 2nd Monday see list


Tuesday       10am       Chocs A Weigh Group  

                      10 am  -11 am    Coffee Time with Devotions Fortnightly see List

                       2 pm     Ladies Friendship Group  see list        


 Wednesday   10 am -12 noon      Indoor Bowls    weekly   


Thursday       10am - 11.30am         Craft Club     

                        7.30pm    Youth Fellowship [age 11 +]

Friday             9.30am - 11.30am - Coffee morning at Greenside Community Centre

                       10am to 11.30am Coffee Cake and Chat at Centenary monthly  see list

                       1.30 pm - 3 pm  Singing for the Brain every 2 weeks


Saturday        10 am - 10.30am      2 or 3 Prayer meeting [ 1st and 3rd Sat of Month]

                       10.30am - 12 noon    Coffee Morning

Sunday           10.30am   Junior Church  

                        10.30am   Morning Service

                         6 pm        Evening Service [telephone conference call]

Coffee Time Dates

Tuesdays 10am

Sept 10th and 24th

2 or 3 Prayer Group

1st and 3rd Saturdays of the Month

At 10am

                                                                               Greenside FX

Greenside FX operates as a class of Centenary and offers services and activities in the Greenside area.

Cafe Church  - Normally the 1st Sunday of the month. Informal worship  with coffee and activities. Held in Greenside Community Center

Walking Church - Normally the 3rd Sunday of the month in the afternoon. A short [3km approx.] Walk with stops for reflection on the way. Starting point vary but mostly local area See Facebook Page for details

Coffee morning - Every Friday 9.30am - 11.30 am in Greenside Community Centre.

If you would like information about any of these activities please email  -

Or checkout the facebook page - Greenside Cafe Church

Bible Study

Mondays 2pm to 3pm

Starts again Sept 9th

Singing for the Brain

Alternate Fridays 1.30pm

Sept 6th and 20th

Oct 4th and 16th

Nov 1st , 15th and 29th

Ladies Friendship Group

2pm on Tuesdays

Starts again   Sept  10th

Coffee Cake and Chat

for 2024

Friday  27th Sept at 10am

Friday 25th Oct at 10am

Friday 8thth Nov at 10am

Not on in December